Marketing Purks

A Fashion Brand that is killing it on TikTok right now!

A Fashion Brand that is killing it on TikTok right now!

Sammie Cook


Georgia Costella, who goes by ‘Strawberry’, the founder of Strawberry Milk Mob, an online bikini and swimwear brand founded in 2018, has been using TikTok to launch her brand into success.


Georgia initially started using TikTok in 2022 to promote her products. However, she didn’t find much success on TikTok while doing this, so instead, she decided to switch her game plan and started using her business page to post lifestyle content that was relatable and funny in order to grow her audience. This catapulted her into TikTok fame and, in turn, built a community within her followers. 

Georgia was able to build her audience and, subsequently, her consumer base just by posting relatable content that she thought her consumers would love. She posted fashion content, comedic videos, boy advice, etc, to grow her audience. Her views went from a couple thousand to millions within a few weeks by using this strategy. 


Slowly, Georgia reintroduced her brand to her audience and has now started earning millions in revenue just by using this social media tactic. 

Today’s consumers don’t want to be pushed by products and are overwhelmed with hundreds of ads and posts on social media pushing different products and brands daily. They want to feel connected to a brand and feel as though they know the person behind the products they are purchasing. Georgia’s clever content also gives consumers the idea that the brand has a personality they can resonate with and relate to. 


Even now, a year later, Georgia still uses her platform to post funny content and tries to post an average of 10 entertaining TikTok videos a day. She only occasionally posts about her bikinis; on average, she posts just one business-related post to roughly 50 lifestyle-related videos in order to ensure she doesn’t lose her audience. 


Additionally, her sisters Sydney Costella (a.k.a. Coconut Milk Mob) and Sabrina Costella (a.k.a Blueberry Milk Mob) also work for their sister Georgia. They also post relatable and lifestyle content on their personal TikTok accounts, all while promoting the business.

To conclude, Georgia and her sisters have been very successful in using this method to grow their business using TikTok. They were able to evaluate their business model when they didn’t have as much success and make the genius switch to relatable/lifestyle content. Since doing this, they have launched a men’s line of swimwear and helped pop-up shops around the US.

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